Mmmm close to every girls favorite and boys will also like this may be not as passinately as girls but this eggless brownie get all the brownie points for its yummilicious taste. Try this easy recipe.
- Ingredients:
- Dark choclate grated: 100 grms.
- Butter :120 grms.
- .Refined flour:1cup.
- castor / grounded sugar:3/4 cup.
- Milk:1/2 Cup.
- vanilla essence:1/2tspoon.
- walnuts: 1/2cup chopped.
- Baking Soda : 2 t spoon.
- Recipe:
Now take a Microwave save dish and first put few drops of oil and brush the whole inside of the dish then dust it with some refined flour. and pour the mixture to it.
Finally baking , if using microwave , microwave on high for 5-6 minutes .
If using Oven preheat the oven for 5 min and then put the batter at 180degree celcius or at 320 farenheight for 30 minutes.
And your crispy out side and fluffy inside brownie is ready.
For dressing :Mix whippped cream with choclate sauce and spread on it.
Now enjoy it like this.
My favourite way is to enjoy my brownies is with chilled icecream and choclate sauce. Sounds yummy , right. Then what are you waiting for.

Happy Baking,
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